About our team

Missouri S&T iGEM began in 2007 with a handful of members, but has grown rapidly in recent years. We are a proud member of the Student Design and Experiential Learning Center, and participation in student-led design teams is a respected tradition on campus. Members from all majors are welcome with any level of experience. Projects are designed, selected, and performed by undergraduates with advice from our wonderful mentors. An extensive lab training program ensures safety and productivity from all lab workers while allowing new members to learn the necessary skills and concepts for work in synthetic biology. Members also have opportunities to contribute to vital fundraising, public relations, and publication functions. Interested students should join our Discord or contact one of our officers shown below.

Meet the Team

The Executive Board

Joe Microbe

Danielle Dotson, President
Chemical Engineering

Joe Microbe

Austin Thrasher, Secretary
Chemical Engineering

Joe Microbe

Erik Bergstrom, Treasurer
Biological Sciences

Joe Microbe

Molly Ripper, Lab Manager and Student Council Representative
Biological Sciences